Energy concepts for urban districts with energy networks within the building complex.

Plus-energy buildings and districts.

Holistic sustainability concepts for buildings and urban districts with ecological measures in the areas of building, operation, mobility, leasing until demolition, and circular economy.

Life cycle analyses and ecological variant examinations

Embodied carbon and CO2 building pass.


Due diligence for existing buildings for future ESG assessments.

ESG assessment of buildings and real estate portfolios according to GRESB, ECORE, and EU Taxonomy.

Review and proposals for compliance with decarbonization goals according to CRREM criteria.

Avoidance of Stranded Assets.

Renovations of non-residential buildings (office/sales/industry) towards ESG or EU Taxonomy, green tenant models...

"ESG-ready", "EU Taxonomy-ready" renovations.


Energy certificates

Creation of energy certificates for design stage, building permit stage, tendering stage and completion stage.
Creation of energy certificates for Austrian subsidies (state and federal subsidies – THEWOSAN, renovation voucher, Lower Austria housing support, etc.).

Building physics for the building permit stage in Austria.

Building physics support in detailed planning/execution phase.

Building physics consultation on detailed planning questions.

Room acoustic calculations. 2D and 3D thermal bridge calculations.


Creation of expert opinions on building physics issues - thermal protection, sound insulation, moisture protection, mold formation.

Creation of acoustical studies for installation and commissioning of technical equipment, for commercial submissions, etc.

Room climate measurements and long-term measurements (data logging)
Wood moisture measurements
BlowerDoor measurements of air tightness
Radon measurements
Thermography with thermal imaging camera
Sound measurements - airborne sound, impact sound, reverberation times, external noises, noises from technical equipment
Acoustical camera - measurements of sound weaknesses


Our company is also engaged in consulting for renovations.

We develop energy concepts for possible renovation of the existing building envelope and/or building services.

Site inspection with existing analysis.
Potential analysis and energy concept with possible renovation measures.
Consulting on energy communities.
Consulting on possible federal and state subsidies in Austria.
Energy certificates before and after renovation for submission and for the funding agency in Austria.
Support in the preparation of funding applications.
Development of a comprehensive renovation concept with renovation costs.
Project support during execution – Coordination with the construction company regarding changes/deviations from renovation measures.

Renovations of non-residential buildings (office/sales/industry) towards ESG or EU Taxonomy, green tenant models...
"ESG-ready," "EU Taxonomy-ready" renovations.
Adjustment to Vienna's or UN's decarbonization goals.
Avoidance of stranded assets.
Renovations in existing buildings with hybrid building services systems, e.g. semi-decentralized heat pump systems.


Hygrothermal 1D and 2D building component simulations according to ÖNORM EN 15026 to examine moisture conditions in building constructions (especially for wooden constructions). Examination of non-standard building constructions regarding damaging condensation inside the component.

Coupled transient dynamic building simulations and flow simulations (CFD) for the analysis and optimization of the building envelope, building services, energy consumption, and thermal comfort of individuals.


We organize national and international training sessions where we promote energy-efficient construction of buildings and urban districts, as well as innovative energy and sustainability concepts.

As part of international knowledge transfer, we train as accredited Passive House certifiers more than 100 Passive House planners annually in China.


We are one of the few accredited Passive House certification bodies in Austria, as well as a member of Passive House Austria and certified Passive House designers.

We have already supervised or certified more than 20 large-scale Passive House projects domestically and internationally (China, Kazakhstan...).

Certifications for Passive House Classic / Plus / Premium.
Certifications according to EnerPHit criteria for retrofitting existing buildings.
Support for the certification of Passive House components.

Certifications according to klima:aktiv criteria.

Support for building certifications according to LEED, BREEAM, ÖGNI, HQB, WELL.

Support for GREENPASS certification of climate-resilient urban districts.